What’s For Dinner?

Disclaimer: I eat everything.  I love pizza, eggs, a greasy burger and fries, chocolate, donuts, and ice cream.  I eat these things in moderation, but I still eat them.  Up until now my training diet has been loaded with eggs, meat, yogurt, and protein/energy bars.  I get a good amount of fruit and vegetables from all colors of the rainbow and I drink water 90% of the time.  I feel like I eat pretty well, and my body is responding well to the training.  After seeing 2 movies recently, I’m beginning to feel different.  At a minimum I’m concerned about what I’m putting in my body.



I saw Food Inc. about a year ago and it grossed me out.  I’m not going to recap the movie here, but we did switch immediately to organic, hormone free range, no pesticides etc. on some of the staples like dairy, eggs, chicken, and fish.  I’m not sure these changes matter or are worth the added cost, but psychologically, you feel like you’re being a little healthier.  You hope that you’re not getting all the hormones and chemicals that have been pumped into everything we put in our mouths.  You leave this movie feeling lied to, scammed, and a little hopeless when you see that everything we eat is crap (or more likely corn).  It’s a real heart-warmer.

This weekend I saw Forks Over Knives and now our dinner table is turned completely upside down.  This time, I think it’s serious.  I realize you have to take these types of movies with a grain of salt, but there is some powerful science behind the views expressed.  They advocate a whole foods plant based diet, and assert that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.  I grew up the son of a butcher in a meat eating culture, so this is not an easy position to side with, but I’m seriously considering a switch.  You leave this movie with that same lied to feeling as in Food, Inc., but this time it’s worse.  You may have to give up bacon.

Have you seen these movies?  What do you think?